Supported Independent Living: How It Can Help People with Disabilities


Did you know that one in five Australians has a disability? That's a lot of people, and many of them need some extra help to live their lives. Supported independent living (SIL) is one way to provide that help, and it can be incredibly beneficial for both the person with the disability and their family. This article takes a closer look at what SIL is and how it works. Understanding Supported Independent Living

2 June 2022

How To Choose An NDIS Provider


National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) service providers are organisations contracted by the NDIS to care for disabled individuals, ensure they live a dignified life, and help them integrate into society. Below is an extract detailing what to consider when hiring an NDIS provider.  Speciality Your immediate concern would be whether the NDIS provider has the skills and resources required to attend to your disability. For instance, you could assess their client list to determine if they have other clients who have your condition.

27 April 2022